When is the Best Time to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Real Estate Business?

Is your real estate business become difficult to manage all by yourself? It may be time to consider hiring a virtual assistant to lend a helping hand. Remember, you’re the boss so you shouldn’t have to do everything. It sounds like you need help so it’s time to consider hiring someone to assist you and take a load off of your busy schedule.

What’s potentially holding you back? Are you afraid that you haven’t grown big enough to justify the expense? Are you too cheap? Are you the type that feels like they are cheating if they aren’t handling every aspect of their business themselves? Do you tend to micromanage anyway so you’re better off doing things yourself?

Yes that’s a lot. But the answers to those questions are the reasons why many people fail or refuse to hire a virtual assistant for the real estate business. Guess what? The longer you wait to get help, the longer you’re going to hold yourself and your business back from reaching its full potential!

Are you ready to take the bull by the horns and get some real help? Or are you still unconvinced that it’s time to hire a VA. If it’s the latter, please keep reading to see if you fit our general guidelines for a person in desperate need for an assistant.

When You Need a Virtual Assistant

  1. You Are Closing More and More Deals

At this rate, if you happen to close anywhere from 2 to 4 deals per month, or 24 to 48 a year, you need to get some help and do so lickity split.

Why? You obviously have many great systems in place to generate leads and find great properties. You also might be missing valuable calls and have to pass up other great deals because you don’t have enough time to get to them all.

A real estate virtual assistant is a blessing in disguise. Sure, you’ll need to pay the individual to help you. But the time you get back could be used to focus on closing more deals. By closing 2-3 extra deals, you could potential pay their entire salary for a year. So every deal closed afterwards – and there will be many – is cream that you get to stick in your back pocket to do whatever the hell you want with it.

  1. You Understand Your Monthly Profit Projections

At this stage of the game, you can roughly estimate how much you’ll earn each month because you’ve consistently hit steady targets for many months in a row. So, you already know that you can easily afford to pay your VA. And you know that your earning power isn’t going to slow down anytime soon.

So, it makes sense to take your business to the next level at this point. It makes sense to expand your roster and have more people working to help you achieve your real estate goals and dreams.

Virtual assistants can help in so many ways. They can answer calls, schedule meetings, handle office related tasks, and much of the other grunt work that eats up so much of your valuable time.

  1. You Are Comfortably Earning Enough Money

More than anything else, being comfortable with your finances is a major factor to consider when hiring a real estate VA. Why? If you aren’t financially stable, you may have a tough time paying for services rendered.

The last thing you need is to hire someone you can’t afford. You shouldn’t take on another mouth to feed if you can barely feed yourself. The only way we’d change our recommendation is if you absolutely need this person to grow your company and it will stagnate without them.

If you find yourself in this situation, hire the VA and take out a small business loan or request peer-to-peer funding to help get your business off the ground. But if you follow rule #1 above, you should already have a thriving real estate biz and this really shouldn’t be a major issue.

So take a moment to look over your finances. Are you spending too much on advertising and need to reign yourself in? Are you pissing away too much cash schmoozing real estate agents and others helping you generate solid leads and referrals. Whatever it is, get it under control or take out a loan. It’s your choice.

Final Thoughts

Now is the best time for many real estate investors to hire a virtual assistant. They are so valuable and do so much for a nominal fee. It’s time to stop handling all of your grunt work and let someone else relieve the burden. You’ll feel better, get more done, and even more important, you’ll close more deals and make a hell of a lot more money, so go for it.